“America is a crazy, sometimes toxic gumbo of competing ideas, faiths and beliefs. Since its founding espousing liberty and embracing slavery it has often had the simultaneous capacity to amaze with acts of unselfish humanity and outrage with horrific acts of savagery. As Americans we seem forever suspended between love and hate, kindness and cruelty, godly truths and blasphemous lies. It is my fervent hope that King was right when he said the moral arc of the universe bends towards justice.
In the final analysis, however, America is “We the People”. If we want a better America we have to be better people. Perhaps its starts with being better informed. Then we can choose better leaders, pass better laws, indeed, be a better America. It starts with the person in the mirror.”
With those words, I began a five and a half year odyssey exploring the intersections between American politics, history and culture. Over that time I have written about topics as varied as the proliferation of guns on our streets (No. 16 Open Carry), the advent of the cyber age (No. 97 Industry 4.0), creeping demographic changes (No. 169 2045 and the White Tribe’s Dilemma) and the craziness all around us today (No. 186 Variants, Remnants Liars and Fools).
In 2022 I plan to turn my energy and efforts to writing the book I’ve been promising myself I would do. I hope I have your encouragement and support for this project. So, as I close the door on this venture (I will still weigh in from time to time on issues of the day) I begin another. And I end where I began, “If we want a better America we have to be better people.” Have a blessed holiday season with family and friends.
Truth is one, paths are many.
Mahatma Gandhi