Nu Chapter was organized at the Pennsylvania State College, State College. Pa., Feb. 5, 1921, by eight students of the above named college. This chapter was a direct result of the efforts of several of these students, who had realized the necessity for some organization among the Negro students at State College.
Previous to the establishment of the chapter, these students were affiliated with a local organization, which failed to accomplish the purpose for which it had been established. In order that the spirit of cooperation, loyalty and sincerity would be a vital factor in these young men's lives, they needed a more binding organization, one with a broader foundation, from which they might receive inspiration. Therefore, efforts were centered towards the establishment of a fraternity chapter, and Nu Chapter was the result.
Although the chapter is young in its organization, the value of its establishment has already been seen. The men have taken a new interest in organized activity and are co-operating in the proper sense of the word. Omega Psi Phi is a name in which they already take pride, and for which they are always ready to sacrifice.
State College is located in the center of Pennsylvania, and affords an ideal location for molding our men into firm sincere Omega men.
The members are: George D Brooks, Louis A. Potter, Daniel B. Taylor, James A. Gardiner, Eldridge A. Miller, William N. Lewis, J. Lester Smith, James A. Moore. The above are Charter Members of the Chapter.
The first step taken by Nu Chapter after its organization, was to petition for college recognition. The final action of the committee on Student Organization has not been returned as yet but the chapter expects favorable reply.
Through the investigative Committee, a campaign is to be launched to encourage students to "come to State”.